Terms & Conditions

Rules & Regulations for Prudent’s Risk Management & Insurance Awards

Awards Prudent’s Risk Management & Insurance Awards
Awards Management Personnel from PRUDENT INSURANCE BROKERS Private Limited (Prudent) and Bennett, Coleman & Company Ltd. (BCCL) and / or organisers who are responsible for the overall conduct of the Awards, all acting with mutual consent inter-se.
Applicant Any person that sends in an application to participate in the Awards as per the rules & regulations, or is nominated by Awards Management to participate in the Awards
Application form The entry for the Award is determined by the completely filled-in form submitted by participant via the microsite
Jury A group of experts identified by Awards Management for evaluation/review of the entries based on pre-defined evaluation parameters which will be reviewed by an independent agency
Rules and Regulations (“T&C” or “Terms”) The terms governing the Awards, as may be amended from time to time by the Awards Management
Website and its T&C & Privacy www.prudentrmia.com/terms-and-conditions

1.1. These Terms may be modified by the Award Management acting mutually, without any prior written notification to the Participant. The Participant is advised to regularly review these Terms uploaded on the Website. If there is any disagreement on the part of the Participant with any of the Terms and any amendments thereto, Participant must not participate in the award.

1.2. The awards may be changed / modified / split / merged / increased / decreased or cancelled by the Awards Management based on the number and quality of entries received.

1.3. In the event that no participants are found to be worthy of inclusion by the Awards Management, the awards may be cancelled. The decision of Awards Management in this regard will be final and binding. The Awards Management will not entertain any queries in this regard.

2.1.Prudent in partnership with ET Now has curated the Risk Management & Insurance Awards that aims to recognise and celebrate innovation, prudence and stability in the sector by recognising individuals that have exhibited outstanding performance across sectors.

Sr. No Category Definition
1. Excellence in Global Insurance and Risk Management

To recognise the individuals who actively look for opportunities to consolidate global risk exposures through centrally managed insurance programs or controlled master programs, ensuring umbrella risk transfer solutions across geographies. The leader must have consistently demonstrated the capability for

  • Developing a culture of risk assessment, avoidance and mitigation across their organisation through setting appropriate deductible/retention levels in their insurance programs
  • Achieving buy-in from local Risk Managers and stakeholders to participate in the global insurance program
  • Identifying, consolidating, and improving the risk exposure proactively for their company’s business operations across the globe and in communicating the successes thereof throughout the organisation

The organisation should have its presence in more than one other country along with its presence in India.

2. Excellence in Flexible Benefit Insurance Solutions To recognise individuals who have taken initiatives towards providing, integrating, and enhancing choice-based, personalised insurance and non-insurance solutions to their company’s employees and family members, resulting in higher employee retention, acquisition, and experience satisfaction scores. Insurance personalisation offers include insured benefits as well as non-insurance choices enabled through marketplace access, employee wellbeing programs, outpatient care, and multiple other benefits offerings.
3. Excellence in Emerging Risks To recognise individuals who have taken initiative towards identifying risks which may occur or already exist but are difficult to quantify and may have a catastrophic loss for the organisation. The individual should be working towards developing appropriate insurance and risk management solutions, creating awareness and igniting a response at Board Level and throughout the organisation.
4. Excellence in Supply Chain Risk Management To recognise individuals who have taken initiatives towards creating greater supply chain resilience amidst various disturbances and turbulence. These individuals have worked proactively with their supply chain to:
  • Identify, quantify and reduce potential losses through proactive identification of areas of improvement
  • Nurture vendor relationships by educating their vendors on the need and methods to reduce their risk
  • Inculcate understanding of supply chain risk and a culture of risk improvement through rigorous supply claim management and diversification within their own organisation
  • Identify, assess, and mitigate supply chain risk
  • Make it resilient, reduce losses, contribute to sustained supply and production or sales
  • Protect revenue and market share and improve coverage under their insurance programs
5. Excellence in Property Damage Claims In a world of increased risk due to climate change, insured and non-insured losses are increasing in magnitude and frequency. This Award recognises individuals who proactively plan for catastrophic damage and establish processes and protocols to prepare their organisations to recover financially from such physical damage to their assets. They are thus able to quickly mobilise evidence of quantum of loss and effect a speedy claim settlement.
6. Excellence in Innovation and Impact at Workplace Wellness In today's workplace, the emphasis on health and well-being emanates from the C-suite of most companies. This Award celebrates trailblazing professionals who have pioneered innovative and effective solutions to foster mental, physical, environmental, financial, and social well-being within their organisations and positively impacting the lives of their colleagues.
7. Rising Star Professional of the Year

Any individual who manages a risk mitigation profile within the organisation can apply for this category. The rising star should not be more than 35 years of age as of March 31, 2024, and should have a minimum of 3 years of work experience within the respective industry segment. Participants should have demonstrated:

  • Understanding of the organisation's risk
  • Identification of areas of improvement of risk, both evidenced by a written report to the Executive Management/Board
  • Relationship-building, communication, and influencing skills evidenced by established relationships
  • Implementation of risk management programs

In the process of implementing all the above, the participant garners respect and support from key risk management stakeholders across the organisation.

8. Risk & Insurance Thought Leader of the Year

A CXO of an organisation who is responsible for the identification, analysis, and mitigation of risks of both internal and external risks. A leader whom stalwarts across industries look up to for inspiration and guidance. The CXO should have at least 15 years of work experience in the industry and should be working in the current organisation for at least 1 year along with demonstrating:

  • A deep understanding of the broad range of risks and the risk management process
  • Exceptional technical knowledge of risk transfer mechanisms evidenced by designing, implementing and managing global risk management programs
  • High level of relationship building, communication and influencing skills evidenced by established relationships with, respect and support from key risk management stakeholders across the organisation to implement risk management programs
  • Contribution to the industry's development and knowledge building through publications of articles in industry journals and participation in webinars on risk management
  • Furthering the growth of the industry through mentorship of upcoming risk managers
9. Legend/ Hall of Fame

The Legend or Hall of Fame Award is presented to an industry stalwart who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and innovation within the risk and insurance sector over the span of 20 years or more. This accolade recognises an individual who has made a profound and enduring impact on their organization(s) and the industry at large. The recipient of this award has been instrumental in advancing the risk and insurance function through pioneering new methodologies, adopting cutting-edge coverages, and fostering significant industry-wide changes. Their contributions have not only propelled their own organisation(s) forward but have also set new standards and inspired progress within the broader risk and insurance community. The recipient is a respected figure whose achievements have been acknowledged and celebrated by peers and industry experts alike, making them a true legend in their field.

This category is not open for submission (call for entry); winners will be selected by the Jury based on secondary research conducted by the Awards Management team.

3.1. The Award categories and number of winners may be changed / modified / split / merged / increased or cancelled by the Jury based on the number and quality of entries received in each category.

3.2. If no Participant in a category is found to be worthy of inclusion by the Jury, the Award category may be cancelled by the Jury. The Jury may decide to add nominees in the category to maintain high standards of participation. The decision of the Jury in this regard will be final and non-contestable. The Awards Management will not entertain any queries in this regard.

4.1.1 Entries are open to individual professionals across industries who are part of insurance division, procurement team or similar functions focussing on insurance and / or risk management.

4.1.2 Should have more than 5 years of work experience as on March 31, 2024 and not at a CRO/CXO designation, except for special categories.

4.1.3 Should have spent minimum 1 year in the current organisation as on March 31, 2024.

4.1.4 Should have at least 15 years of work experience as on March 31, 2024 in case of Risk & Insurance Thought Leader of the Year.

4.1.5 Should not be more than 35 years of age as on March 31, 2024 and have at least 3 years of work experience in the industry as on March 31, 2024 in case of Rising Star.

4.1.6 Professionals from insurance companies cannot participate.

4.1.7 The Jury holds the right to disqualify any application which does not meet the eligibility criteria. Jury’s decisions are final and binding on all Participants and cannot be challenged in any manner whatsoever.

4.1.8 Employees of Prudent, BCCL, sponsors and partners of the Awards are not allowed to participate in the Awards.

4.1.9 Participation in the Awards is subject to defined rules and regulations available on website: www.prudentrmia.com

4.1.10 The Award categories may be changed / modified / split / merged / increased or cancelled by the Awards Management and / or Jury based on the number of entries received in any category, and the quality of the entries. The decision in this regard will be final, non-contestable and binding on all participants. The Awards management will not entertain any queries in this regard.

Notes The Jury holds the right to disqualify any application which does not meet the eligibility criteria without assigning any reason whatsoever.

4.2.1 Reference letter from signing authority within the organisation validating the information provided in the application form.

4.2.2 Initiative supporting collaterals.

4.2.3 Proof of other information contained in the application or required to meet eligibility criteria (for example total experience across organisation in a particular domain where required).

5.1 Applicants can apply only once for an initiative / project in a respective category. A separate form must be filled for every new entry.

5.2One application form should be submitted against one category only.

5.3If participant wants to apply for multiple categories, then separate application form (pertaining to the category) has to be submitted.

5.4 No changes will be accepted once the application form is submitted, however before submitting form there is an option to save the form in draft (“Save”).

5.5 Application forms must be filled in English only.

5.6 The application form needs to be complete in all respects.

5.7 Disqualification of entries is at the sole discretion of jury, on a case-by-case basis. The said disqualification will be as per the rules and regulations defined for the awards.

5.8 If at any time, any information provided by an applicant is found to be incorrect in any manner, then the applicant will be disqualified from the awards.

5.9 If after the conclusion of the awards ceremony, any information provided by any applicant is found to be incorrect, false, or inaccurate in any manner, then the applicant will be liable to return the award.

5.10 Determination of whether information provided by the applicant is incorrect, false or inaccurate is at jury’s discretion.

5.11 The jury has the right to ask for documentary proof of information provided / audit the information provided. If such a request is made and the applicant does not comply within 3 working days from the date the request is made, the applicant would be disqualified from the awards.

6.1 Applicant must apply for the awards by filling the application form on the website www.prudentrmia.com/

6.2 No application forms will be accepted sent via email/WhatsApp/SMS etc. or any other means except the awards microsite www.prudentrmia.com/

6.3 The Jury has right to reclassify Application Forms from one award category to another, at its discretion. This is not contestable in any manner.

7.1 Last date for receiving completed application form will be mentioned on the Website.

7.2 Receipt of application forms after last date of receipt specified may be permitted only at the discretion of the Awards Management.

7.3 Awards Management will not be responsible for application forms that are received in an incorrect format / late / corrupt file etc.

8.1The Awards Management reserves the right to offer or withdraw any of the awards/rewards/gratification as provided herein, at any point of time, including after they have been announced.

8.2Awards Management shall have the liberty, but not the obligation, to publish information with respect to the submission made by the participants.

8.3Participants declare that the details furnished in the application form and supporting documents submitted for the awards are true, correct and complete and, wherever required, provided after thorough due diligence and inquiry. In case any of the said information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, the participant will be liable and accountable for any consequences resulting thereto including indemnifying the Awards Management for any expenses, costs, losses, damages incurred.

8.4The Participant authorises the Awards Management to use the content submitted as part of my/our nomination / participation, in whole or in part and use and display such content and entry, which shall include trade publications, press releases, electronic or social media posting to any website, electronic hyperlinks to the website of the Participant, and/or any other display format selected by the Awards Management during the awards ceremony or at a later point in time as it may deem fit.

8.5The Awards Management may, in its sole discretion, exclude a participant from participating in any part of the Awards on various grounds, which may include without limitation (i) circumstances which renders the participant unfit to participate therein; (ii) inability to produce documentation specified proving the identity of the participant; (iii) any other reason that, at their sole discretion, would adversely impact the Award. At no point of time will the Awards Management be obliged to notify unsuccessful Participants of its decision.

8.6The Awards Management is not responsible if contact cannot be established with a shortlist via email or phone due to reasons not in the control of the Awards Management.

8.7The Awards Management further reserves the right to replace, at its discretion, any winner(s) who for any reason fails or is disqualified from or is unable to participate in the Award, with another Participant who should be eligible to be a winner.

8.8The Awards Management will reach out to winners within 30 days from winner declaration to obtain details and documentation, if any, to initiate the registration process for the award, if applicable. The Awards Management will make a maximum of 3 attempts to get in touch with such winner. Failure to contact the winner may result in forfeiture of the award for such participant and the Awards Management may award the same to subsequent eligible participant with highest score.

8.9The Awards Management will use the e-mail used to register for the Awards by the participant, to identify the winner of the awards won, if any. Inability on the part of the participant to accordingly show or provide the required identification proof could entitle Awards Management to disqualify the participant from any winnings, if any.

8.10Awards Management shall make all reasonable endeavours to (i) enable participant(s) to proceed with participation in the Awards (ii) to contact all winner(s) at each relevant juncture of the Awards, Awards Management can make no guarantee thereof and Awards Management shall in its sole discretion be entitled to proceed with the next entitled participants who are eligible to be winners under the Terms, in case it is unable to successfully contact and communicate with participants(s) / winner(s) in terms hereof.

8.11Awards Management will have no liability to a participant who is unable to take part in the Awards, for whatever reason and Awards Management shall be entitled to disqualify the participant(s) from the Awards, at any time, at the discretion of Awards Management.

8.12Awards Management further reserves the right to replace, at its discretion, any winner(s) who for any reason fails or is disqualified from or is unable to participate in the Awards, with another participant, notwithstanding that such participant may have been previously eliminated from the Awards and each participant shall agree to collect the award as and when required by Awards Management to do so.

8.13If at any point, it is determined by Awards Management that any person has tampered with the Website, or any data / servers / database / etc. related to the Awards, Awards Management reserves the right at its discretion to revoke or winnings/awards of any such participants and / or initiate litigation as deemed fit and necessary by Awards Management.

8.14Awards Management will reach out to winners within 30 days from winner declaration to obtain details and documentation, if any, to initiate the registration process for the award, if applicable. Awards Management will determine delivery of the Award in consultation with the other partners of the platform and based on what is made available. Neither Awards Management nor the partners will be responsible should the winners refuse to accept the award as made available.

8.15Winners who have won the awards will receive a communication regarding the awards via email on the registered email id, from the Awards Management, or on the Website. The details will be intimated by Awards Management to each such winner on the email id provided by them at the time of registration on Website, on a best effort basis. Any awards not collected / claimed within 30 days will be forfeited and the winners will be disqualified.

8.16The winners, in order to claim/ redeem awards will be required to send attested copies of a valid photo ID proof issued by the Government with address (passport, or any other Government identity proof, etc.)and any other documents that will be required within the stipulated time.

8.17The winner agrees that the delivery of the award may be delayed as a result of a delay in submission of documents and/ or any force majeure events which are not within the control of Awards Management, including but not limited to the orders/notifications/restrictions/prohibitions by the Government of India/other countries and the respective States/Union Territories, aimed at containment of the spread of COVID-19.

8.18The winners / grand award winner hereby agrees that he/ she shall not hold Awards Management responsible for any delays and/ or disputes and/or claims arising out of the award and shall indemnify the Awards Management against any and all such claims.

8.19The winners hereby agree that in case of any disputes / claims arising out of the award, the same shall be addressed directly to the Awards Management.

8.20Awards Management may refuse to pay the award to the winners in the event of any fraud, dishonesty or non-entitlement on the part of any of such Winner(s) to participate in the Awards, under the Terms.

9.1If at any time, including after the conclusion of any of the Awards ceremonies, any information provided by any Participant, is found to be incorrect in any manner, then the Participant will be liable to be disqualified and / or return the Awards and the monetary emoluments provided to the participant under this Awards, if any. Awards Management may also take penal action against the Participant for providing false information to participate in the Awards.

9.2Determination of whether information provided as fair and accurate rests with the Jury and Awards Management.

9.3Awards Management has the right to ask for proof of information provided / audit the information provided in the entry form. If such a request is made and the Participant does not agree, the Participant could be disqualified from participation at the Awards.

9.4Awards Management will make calls to the references provided in the application form for verifying the information provided by the applicants in the form.

10.1Viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, corrupted files, malware, spyware, or any other similar software that may damage the operation of another’s computer or property.

10.2Using the website in any manner intended to damage, disable, overburden, or impair any server, or the network(s) connected to any server, or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the site.

10.3Attempting to gain unathorised access to the site, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any server through hacking, password mining or any other means.

10.4Obtaining or attempting to obtain any materials or information stored on the Site, its servers, or associated computers through any means not intentionally made available through the site.

Submission Deadline 04/10/2024
Announcement & Presentation TBD


11.1The above-mentioned schedule could be added to, modified or cancelled based on technical requirements and in case the Award is for any reason rescheduled, extended, cancelled or terminated early and same shall be the absolute sole discretion of Awards Management.

11.2All applications received will be evaluated based on pre-defined evaluation criteria determined by the Awards Management in its sole and absolute discretion.

11.3The decision taken by the Awards Management, based upon the observation & recommendations of Jury with respect to the evaluation/disqualification/qualification is final and binding on all Participants. No claims/queries raised with respect to the same will be entertained in this regard.

12.1The Awards Management will not be responsible for late/ incomplete/ corrupted/ defective entries and/or which cannot be read or viewed for any reason, and such Entries shall stand automatically disqualified. Awards Management shall not be responsible if for any technical, physical or other reasons, the Entry is not received or cannot be read/ viewed/ judged.

12.2The Awards Management reserve their right to suspend, cancel or modify, add to, or truncate these Terms & Conditions or Award and/or rules relating thereto at any time without notice. Participants shall periodically check this page for updating of these Terms & Conditions.

12.3Awards Management gives no warranties in respect of any aspect of the Event or any materials related thereto or offered at the Event and, to the fullest extent possible under the laws governing this Agreement, disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness, and merchantability. The Event is provided on an “as-is” basis. Awards Management does not accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by you or any person on any aspect of the Event or any information provided at the Event.

13.1Participant agrees that the Participant is legally capable of entering and, if selected, participating in the Awards and agree to the Terms & Conditions.

13.2Participant understands and agrees that merely participating in this Awards does not entitle the Participant to an award or to any other form of consideration.

13.3Participant shall be completely responsible for handling any infringement or alleged infringement and shall indemnify Awards Management from any claims, costs or damages from infringement or alleged infringement of the logo or trademark or the defines of a claim or any costs payable thereof.

13.4Participants for the purpose of entering the Awards, automatically grants the Awards Management a royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide, non-transferable, non-exclusive right and license to use and display such entry, for participation in the Awards, and any intellectual property in relation to and arising out of such participation in the Awards and footage thereof, which shall include trade publications, press releases, electronic posting to the Website, the website in any display format selected during the Awards as it deems fit.

13.5The Awards Management reserve the right to, at its discretion, withdraw or amend or add to the Terms & Conditions of the Awards at any time, with prospective or retrospective effect, and does not take responsibility for any loss or damage that any individual or organisation may suffer as a result of participating or attempting to participate in the Awards, the Awards being withdrawn, or its rules amended.

13.6 Should a participant wish to withdraw from the Awards, kindly inform the Awards Management in writing on nominations@prudentrmia.com at any time up to one week prior to the final awards ceremony.

13.7All disputes relating to or arising out of the Awards shall be subject to the laws of India, and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of competent jurisdiction at Mumbai, India.

13.8In the event these terms and conditions do not cover any question or complaint in relation to the Awards, the same will be concluded on by the Awards Management(for all other issues) or an independent body or legal team as appointed by the Awards Management and deemed necessary.

14.1 The website is only an informational website www.prudentrmia.com for the Awards. The Awards Management is not liable or responsible for any action or decision taken by Participant or anyone acting on Participant’s behalf or under Participant employment or under contract with Participant. The Awards Management shall not be under any obligation to Participant and Participant shall have no obligation or rights in relation to the Awards and shall have no claims whatsoever against the Awards Management relating to the selection process or the running of the Awards.


The Awards Management shall not be responsible for

  1. any delivery, failures relating to the registration or uploading videos/presentations.
  2. any SPAM generated messages as result of Participant accessing the Website
  3. Awards Management not receiving or rejecting any data.
  4. any lost, late, or misdirected computer transmission or network, electronic failures of any kind or any failure to receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical reasons and
  5. Other conditions/situations or failures beyond its control.

15.1The Awards Management has no obligation to screen the entry material in advance and is not responsible for monitoring entries for the purpose of preventing violation of intellectual property ownership rights, or violations of any law, rule, or regulation. If the Awards Management is notified of submissions or materials that may not conform to the Rules, it may investigate the allegation and determine in good faith and in its sole discretion whether to eliminate such an entry from consideration. The Awards Management has no liability or responsibility to Participants or other users of the Website for performance or non-performance of such activities.

15.2Awards Management failure to exercise any right shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights. Awards Management shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure results from any cause beyond Awards Management’s reasonable control. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary for this Agreement to otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. This Agreement is not assignable, transferable or sub-licensable by you except with Awards Management prior written consent. This Agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of the India and the parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Mumbai, INDIA.

15.3A party that substantially prevails in an action brought under this Agreement is entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Both parties agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, and that all modifications must be in a writing signed by both parties, except as otherwise provided herein.

15.4No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of this Agreement and you acknowledge that you do not have any authority of any kind to bind Awards Management in any respect whatsoever.

16.1Awards Management, its affiliates, process advisors, contractors, partners and promotion are not responsible for technical, hardware, software, or other communications malfunctions, errors or failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, Website, Internet, or ISP availability, unathorised human intervention, traffic congestion, incomplete or inaccurate capture of information (regardless of cause) or failed, incomplete, garbled, jumbled or delayed computer transmissions which may limit participants / participant’s ability to participate, including any injury or damage to participants or any other person's computer or mobile device relating to or resulting from participating in or downloading any materials. Awards Management is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, technically corrupted or misdirected answers, which will be disqualified. Awards Management shall attempt to use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security and accuracy of all answer’s personal details (provided, however, that Participants acknowledge and agree that such methodologies are not infallible, and that the organisers make no guarantee as to their effectiveness).

16.2Any loss or outrage or dissatisfaction suffered by the course of the Awards by a participant would not be the responsibility of Awards Management and/or its associates/ affiliates and Awards Management or its associates/affiliates will not be responsible to make good any such loss or dissatisfaction.

16.3All attempts will be made to protect the data from loss and corruption, but in the event such data loss happens, Awards Management may have to continue with whatever data is available, or in any other manner as it may deem reasonable. Awards Management should not be held responsible for any loss of data or the action taken on account of the same. Awards Management will not be held responsible to make good any such loss or dissatisfaction on account of such loss.

16.4In case multiple entries are received from a participant with the same idea, Awards Management has the right to choose the first submission from that participant.

16.5Prior to start of the Awards, the participant must check that the Websites are operational and functioning correctly. The participant is advised to keep adequate RAM and phone memory available to ensure smooth functioning of the site.

16.6The server used to communicate with the participant has adequate redundancies built into it. However, in the rare cases, the server is down during the call for entry period, Awards Management will, at its discretion but not as an obligation, determine such measures as it may deem fit.

16.7The participant acknowledges that all possible issues may not have been identified by Awards Management and its partners and agrees to hold harmless Awards Management and its partners for the application, network, process, technical or any other failures. Any losses, injury, discomfort, loss of privacy, inability to participate or any other discomfort of any sort caused to the participant or the participant’s property or device shall not be the responsibility of Awards Management or its partners.

16.8 No person (i.e., either the participant, or any person on behalf of the participant) shall initiate litigation against Awards Management or its partners in any manner without first providing Awards Management a complaint at email nominations@prudentrmia.com  and provide Awards Management an opportunity to address the complaint.

16.9Awards Management shall not be liable for any failure of the application server or system in the course of Awards.

17.1Awards Management shall keep all the information collected from the participants confidential and shall not share the information so collected with any party, save and except for the purpose of the Awards. The participant by providing the aforesaid sensitive personal information hereby agree that Awards Management shall have the right to share the information so collected with such other third party as required for the purpose of the Awards and hereby agree that they shall not file any claim against Awards Management for sharing of such personal information. Any information shared by the participant to Awards Management shall be handled by Awards Management in terms of the privacy policy of Awards Management.

17.2By entering the Awards, Participant agree to participate in any media or promotional activity resulting from the Awards as reasonably requested by the Awards Management at their expense and agree and consent to use of their name and/or likeness by the Awards Management.

17.3Awards Management will contact participants in advance of any Awards Management media request for interviews. The submissions may also be used for promotional, marketing, press and media purposes and Participants agrees to waive any rights and not assert any intellectual property rights that they have or may have in the project submission. Awards Management reserves the right to publish the name and likeness of the participants, the Finalists and the Winners of the Awards on Website or through other media for publicity purposes. Participant acknowledge that they will not be paid for use of name and/or likeness or project submissions and hereby relinquish (and with respect to its company, if applicable) any past, present, or future monetary or other claims against Awards Management and its affiliates for this use.

17.4None of the participants shall, without the prior written approval of Awards Management, speak to the press or any other media or any third person, nor give any interviews or comments relating to any aspect of the Awards. The participant shall not disclose any information whatsoever relating to Awards Management to any other party. Violation of this clause shall immediately disqualify the participant’s prospects of further participation.

17.5The participant shall at all times keep confidential all particulars and details regarding the Awards

17.6Any photographs, videos etc. submitted by the participant s/winners to Awards Management or recorded, shall on submission / creation become the property of Awards Management and shall be available to Awards Management for exploitation across all mediums throughout the world in perpetuity. The participant (s) shall ensure that the photos or videos submitted by them in any public domain or their performances shall not be obscene, vulgar, defaming, denigrating women or children, hurting religious sentiments, depicting violence or shall not infringe the rights of a third person. The participant (s) shall solely remain liable for any action (criminal/civil) arising therefrom.

17.7Acceptance of these terms & conditions by the participant constitutes permission for Awards Management, including its affiliates, to click photographs, record videos of the participant (s) and use the participant (s) name, photographs, likeness, voice and comments for advertising and promotional purposes in any media worldwide for purposes of advertising and trade without any additional compensation whatsoever.

This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use applicable to the BCCL services you are using.

Bennett, Coleman & Company Limited – through Television Division respects the privacy of its users and is committed to protect it in all respects. With a view to offer enriching internet experience to its users BCCL offers a vast repository of channels, contents and a variety of services.

We want you to:

  • Be comfortable using our service;
  • feel secure submitting information to us;
  • contact us with your concerns about privacy on this site;
  • know that by using our sites you are consenting to the use, collection and transfer of certain data and your information.

This privacy policy explains our policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your information by BCCL and/or its subsidiary(ies) and/or affiliate(s) (collectively referred to as the "BCCL") on this platform. BCCL operates various platforms (including this) and other services including but not limited to delivery of information and content via any mobile or internet connected device or otherwise (collectively the "Services"). We follow this privacy policy in accordance with applicable law in the places where we operate. In some cases, we may provide additional data privacy notices specific to certain services or regions.

Please keep in mind that when you provide information to us on a third-party site or platform (for example, via our website or applications like social media login (for e.g. facebook, google+ etc.) the information we collect is through those third-party sites linked with our websites and applications and is covered by this privacy policy, and the information the third-party site or platform collects is subject to the third-party site or platform’s privacy practices. Privacy choices you have made on the third-party site or platform will not apply to our use of the information we have collected directly through our websites or applications. Please also bear in mind that our websites and applications may contain links to other sites not owned or controlled by us and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our websites or applications to read the privacy policies of other sites they may collect your personal information.

All capitalised terms that have not been specifically defined herein shall have the same meaning as provided under the Terms of Use.

This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction and together with the Terms of Use applicable to the BCCL services you are using.

As we update, improve and expand the services, this policy may change accordingly from time to time, so please refer back to it periodically.

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By using BCCL's sites and Services, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree or are not comfortable with any policy described in this Privacy statement, your only remedy is to discontinue use of BCCL sites. We reserve the right, to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. In some cases, particularly if you reside in a country governed by a data protection regulation, we may ask you to provide explicit consent to access our services before proceeding for further operations.

Accessing Service through VPN

You should not access or use the Service by means of any mechanism or technology which conceals your actual geo-location or provides incorrect details of your location (for example, use a virtual private network (VPN) to access the Service). We will not be responsible or liable for any collection, storage or processing of your personal information or data if you use any mechanism or technology to access or use the Service which conceals your actual geo-location.

What data is collected

'Personal Information' or Personal Data' means any information that identifies (whether directly or indirectly) to a particular individual or natural person, such as the individual's name, postal address, email address, mobile number and any other identifier indicating to that particular person. When anonymous information is directly or indirectly associated with personal information, the resulting information also is treated as personal information.

The BCCL respects the privacy of the users of the Services they use and is committed to reasonably protect it in all respects. The information about the user as collected by the Company are:

a) Information supplied by users

b) Information automatically tracked while navigation

c) Inferred information through usage and log data

d) Information collected from any other sources (like third party providers or social media platforms)

Information supplied by users

We collect personal information when you provide it by writing to us through our complaint or grievance redressal process. We do not collect such personal information from you, otherwise. Information that we collect incudes –

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Mobile Number
  • Email Address
  • Home Address
  • IP Address
  • Subscription Status

Please keep in mind that when you provide information to us on a third-party site or platform (for example, via our service or applications like social media login (for e.g. facebook, google etc.) the information we collect is through those third-party sites linked with our service and applications and is covered under this privacy policy, and the information the third-party site or platform collects is subject to the respective third-party site or platform’s privacy practices. Privacy choices you have made on the third-party site or platform will not apply to our use of the information we have collected directly through our service or applications. Please also bear in mind that our service and applications may contain links to other sites not owned or controlled by us and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our service or applications to read the privacy policies of other sites they may collect your personal information.

  • Information received, collected and stored by the Company

Information automatically collected/tracked while navigation

We use Cookies or similar electronic tools to improve the responsiveness of the "Application" for our users, to collect information to assign each visitor a unique, random number as a User Identification (User ID) to understand the user's individual interests using the identified computer. Detailed Information on use of cookies is given below. Unless you voluntarily identify yourself (through registration, for example), we will have no way of knowing who you are, even if we assign a cookie to your computer. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply. A cookie cannot read data off your hard drive. Our advertisers may also assign their own cookies to your browser (if you click on their ads), a process that we do not control. We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us via the Site.

You will find more information by referring our Cookie Policy.

If a user opts out using the Ads Settings, the unique DoubleClick cookie ID on the user’s browser is overwritten with the phrase “OPT_OUT”. Because there is no longer a unique cookie ID, the opt-out cookie can’t be associated with a particular browser.

Inferred usage through usage and log data

We automatically collect limited information about your computer's connection to the Internet, mobile number, including your IP address, when you visit our site, application or service. Your IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send you data -- such as the pages you view. We automatically receive and log information from your browser, including your IP address, your computer's name, your operating system, browser type and version, CPU speed, and connection speed. We may also collect log information from your device, including your location, IP address, your device's name, device's serial number or unique identification number (e.g. UDiD on your iOS device), your device operating system, browser type and version, CPU speed, and connection speed etc.
We use this information for conducting internal research on our users' demographics, devices, interests, and behaviour to better understand, protect and serve our users. We may also collect Your Information to track user behaviour and preferences for internal analytics and research. We may also use your information

i. To evaluate your interest for various genres of content, services, offers;

ii. To perform analytics and conduct customer research, to determine your interest, and to analyse traffic patterns

If you choose to post messages on social media accounts, message boards, or other message areas or leave feedback, we will collect that information you provide to us. We retain this information as necessary to resolve disputes, provide customer support and troubleshoot problems as permitted by law.

The above information may also be captured by keeping cookies on our websites by our affiliates for the purposes mentioned above.

If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on our services, we may collect and store such information.

Clear GIFs

We may use "clear GIFs" (Web Beacons) to track the online usage patterns of our users in an anonymous manner, without personally identifying the user. We may also use clear GIFs in HTML-based emails sent to our users to track which emails are opened by recipients. We use this information to inter-alia deliver our web pages to you upon request, to tailor our Site, Application or Service to the interests of our users, to measure traffic within our Application to improve the Application quality, functionality and interactivity and let advertisers know the geographic locations from where our visitors come.

Information we collect from third parties

Information from Other Sources

We may receive information about you from other sources, add it to our account information and treat it in accordance with this policy. If you provide information to the platform provider or other partner, whom we provide services, your account information and order information may be passed on to us. We may obtain updated contact information from third parties in order to correct our records and fulfil the Services or to communicate with you.

Demographic Information

We may reference other sources of demographic and other information in order to provide you with more targeted communications and promotions. We use Google Analytics, among others, to track the user behaviour on our service. Google Analytics specifically has been enable to support display advertising towards helping us gain understanding of our users' Demographics and Interests. The reports are anonymous and cannot be associated with any individual personally identifiable information that you may have shared with us. You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customise Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings options provided by Google.

The service may include links to other services and / or applications. Such sites are governed by their respective privacy policies, which are beyond our control. Once you leave our servers (you can tell where you are by checking the URL in the location bar on your browser), use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the site you are visiting. That policy may differ from ours. If you can't find the privacy policy of any of these sites via a link from the site's homepage, you should contact the site directly for more information.

Information for Ad-Servers

When we present information to our advertisers -- to help them understand our audience and confirm the value of advertising on our services or applications -- it is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages / content within our services or applications. We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our services or applications. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number or other personally identifiable information) about your visits to this and other services or application, in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

We do not provide any personally identifiable information to third party services / advertisers / ad-servers without your consent. Third Party advertisers may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number or other personally identifiable information) about your visits to our and other services or application, in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. Any personally identifiable information provided by you will not be considered as sensitive if it is freely available and / or accessible in the public domain like any comments, messages, blogs, scribbles available on social platforms like Facebook, twitter etc.

How collected data is used

We will only collect and process personal data about you in a legal and lawful manner. Lawful basis on which we would collect and process your personal information includes obtaining explicit consent from you or processing for "legitimate interests" where processing is necessary by us to provide you with services (For e.g. processing your information by our group companies/affiliates).

We use information to provide, analyse, administer, enhance and personalise our service and marketing efforts, to process your registration, to provide you services, and to communicate with you related to below mentioned points. For example, we use information to:

  • Communicate with you concerning our service (for example by email, push notifications), so that we can send you news about BCCL, details about new features and content available on the BCCL Services, promotional announcements, and surveys, and to assist you with operational requests such as password reset requests.
  • Notify you about changes in terms of service or privacy policy
  • Allow you to participate in interactive features offered through our Services, if any.
  • Sharing with our customer support team to resolve your queries/concerns related to your rights or services provided to you

Information use by the company

The Information as supplied by the users enables us to improve the services and provide you the most user-friendly experience. All required information is service dependent and the BCCL may use the above said user Information to, maintain, protect, and improve the services and (including advertising) for developing new services. We may, use your email address without further consent for non-marketing or administrative purposes (such as notifying you of major changes, for customer service purposes, billing, etc.), dealing with requests, enquiries and complaints and customer related activities.

In case you choose to decline to submit personally identifiable information on the Site, we may not be able to provide the services to you. In any case, we will not be liable and or responsible for the denial of certain services to you for lack of you providing the necessary personal information.

When you register with the Site, we contact you from time to time about updation of your personal information to provide the users such features that we believe may benefit / interest you.

How collected data is shared

BCCL shall share your information with any third party without obtaining the prior consent:

  • When it is requested or required by law or by any court or governmental agency or authority to disclose, for the purpose of verification of identity, or for the prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, or for prosecution and punishment of offences. These disclosures are made in good faith and belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for enforcing these Terms or for complying with the applicable laws and regulations.
  • BCCL proposes to share such information within its group companies and officers and employees of such group companies for the purpose of processing personal information on its behalf for provisioning of the services for which such Information was provided. We also ensure that these recipients of such information agree to process such information based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
  • BCCL may present information to our advertisers – to help them understand our audience and confirm the value of advertising on our Site– however it is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages within our site.

User control over collected data

When you use the Site (or any of its sub sites), we make good faith efforts to provide you upon verification, as and when requested by you, with access to your personal information and shall further ensure that any personal information or information found to be inaccurate or deficient shall be corrected or amended as feasible, subject to any requirement for such personal information or information to be retained by law or for legitimate business purposes.

We encourage you to review, update, and correct the personal information that we maintain about you, and you may request that we delete personal information about you that is inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant for legitimate purposes, or are being processed in a way which infringes any applicable legal requirement. If you would like to review, change or delete personal information we have collected from you please contact our Grievance Officer.

We ask individual users to identify themselves and the information requested to be accessed, corrected or removed before processing such requests. In any case, where we provide information access and correction, we perform this service free of charge, except if doing so would require a disproportionate effort.

Your right to review, update, correct, and delete your personal information may be limited, subject to the law of your jurisdiction:

  • If your requests are unreasonably excessive or repetitive,
  • Where the rights or safety of another person or persons would be jeopardised, or
  • If the information or material you request relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between you and us, or providing access to you would prejudice negotiations between us or an investigation of possible unlawful activity. Your right to review, update, correct, and delete your information is subject to our records retention policies and applicable law, including any statutory retention requirements.

Withdrawal of consent

You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information in our possession or control by submitting a request on our support e-mail ID) or by directly contacting our team (see contact us section). We will process your request within a reasonable time from when the request was made, and thereafter not process your personal information as per your request.

Children’s Privacy (comment needs to be 16 years as per GDPR and 13 as per California consumer protection act)

service is not intentionally designed for or directed at persons who are considered as major (as per applicable laws in the respective territories) . BCCL does not knowingly permit any person who is non-adult or minor (as per applicable laws in the respective territories) to register with the services or to provide any other personally identifying information. If BCCL becomes aware that any personally identifiable information of person who has not attained the necessary legal age (as per applicable laws in the respective territories) has been collected on BCCL Services without verified parental consent, then BCCL will take the appropriate steps to delete any such information and notify the parent of such person.

However, we consider it as sole responsibility of parents to monitor their children’s use of our services. Nevertheless, it is our policy not to collect and process any personal information from children below necessary legal age or offer to send any promotional materials to persons in that category. BCCL does not seek or intend to seek or receive any personal information from children. Should a parent or guardian have reasons to believe that a minor has provided BCCL with personal information without their prior consent, please contact our customer support team to ensure that the personal information is removed from the BCCL services.

Data transfer, storage & processing globally

We operate globally and may transfer your personal information to individual companies of the BCCL affiliated companies or third parties in locations around the world for the purposes described in this privacy policy. Wherever your personal information is transferred, stored or processed by us, we will take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of your personal information. Additionally, when using or disclosing personal information transferred from the European Union, we use standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, adopt other means under European Union law for ensuring adequate safeguards.

Security and compliance with laws: How we protect your personal data

We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorised access to or unauthorised alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. These include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorised access to systems where we store personal data. All information gathered on the Site is securely stored within the BCCL controlled database. The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected and is strictly limited. However, as effective as our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. And, of course, any information you include in a posting to the discussion areas is available to anyone with Internet access.

Changes to privacy notice

Internet is an ever evolving medium. We may change our privacy policy from time to time to incorporate necessary future changes. Of course, our use of any information we gather will always be consistent with the policy under which the information was collected, regardless of what the new policy may be. In any case, we reserve the right to change (at any point of time) the terms of this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use. Any changes we make will be effective immediately on notice, which we may give by posting the new policy on the “Site”. Your use of the Site or services offered through the Site after such notice will be deemed acceptance of such changes. We may also make reasonable efforts to inform you via electronic mail. In any case, you are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically on the “Site”) to ensure that you are aware of the latest version.

Retention period

BCCL will not retain the Information longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws or keep you updated with BCCL’s promotions where you have asked us to do so and provide you with the best user experience.

Withdrawal of consent

You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information in our possession or control by submitting a request on our support e-mail or using the chat functionality or by directly contacting our support team. We will process your request within a reasonable time from when the request was made, and thereafter not process your personal information as per your request.

Resolving privacy issues

If you have any queries, complaints regarding the collecting, processing, transfer of personal data/information or regarding this policy please contact our grievance officer. Any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to the processing of information provided by you or breach of these terms shall be immediately informed to the designated Data Protection Officer as mentioned below in writing or through email.

Grievance Officer / Data Protection Officer

Ms. Snehal Renuke


Email: grievanceofficer@timesgroup.com

We request you to please provide the following information in your complaint at the aforementioned email id:-

  • Identification of the information provided by you;
  • Clear statement as to whether the information is personal information or sensitive personal information;
  • Your address, telephone number or e-mail address;
  • A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the information has been processed incorrectly or disclosed without authorisation, as the case may be;
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notice is accurate, and that the information being complained about belongs to you;

You may also contact us in case you have any questions / suggestions about the Privacy Policy using the contact information mentioned above.

All information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or any other material ("Content"), whether publicly or privately transmitted / posted, is the sole responsibility of the person from where such content is originated (the Originator). By Posting any material which contain images, photographs, pictures or that are otherwise graphical in whole or in part ("Images"), you warrant and represent that (a) you are the copyright owner of such Images, or that the copyright owner of such Images has granted you permission to use such Images or any content and/or images contained in such Images consistent with the manner and purpose of your use and as otherwise permitted by these Terms of Use and the Services, (b) you have the rights necessary to grant the licenses and sublicenses described in these Terms of Use, and (c) that each person depicted in such Images, if any, has provided consent to the use of the Images as set forth in these Terms of Use, including, by way of limitation, the distribution, public display and reproduction of such Images. You represent that you have valid rights and title in any and all Content/Images that you submit on the Service, that you have not infringed on any IPR belonging to any party and further that you will indemnify BCCL or its affiliates for all claims arising out of any content that you post on the Service. BCCL accepts no responsibility for the said Content / Images. However, you understand that all Content / Images posted by you becomes the property of BCCL and you agree to grant/assign to BCCL and its affiliates, a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable and sub-licenseable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such Content / Images (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed throughout the world. BCCL endeavours to provide a web platform for various community interactions for persons to interact and exchange views with each other. The content posted on such services is by general public therefore the accuracy, integrity or quality of such content cannot be guaranteed. You understand that by using such services, you may be exposed to objectionable matter. By using the facility of chat and other community services you agree not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit any matter or views, which are, defamatory, abusive, pervasive, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. You may also not indulge in cyber stalking, become or create a nuisance for any visitor / user of the Service. You may not send, submit, post, or otherwise transmit, material or messages that contain software virus, or any other files that are designed to interrupt, destroy, and negatively affect in any manner whatsoever, any electronic equipment in connection with the use of this Service, or other user's ability to engage in real time exchanges.